Process Education
Experienced VCE tutoring provided by 99.95 recipients
At Process Education, our priority is to foster the academic growth of all students, matching every student with experienced and professional tutors that will ignite their passion for learning.
With tutors who have embraced the obstacles necessary to achieving the perfect ATAR of 99.95, our personalised touch is conducive to a thriving educational program. Our hope is to challenge, motivate and most importantly, support our students. Join us!

About Process Education
We pride ourselves on providing tutors and lecturers who have excelled in their VCE studies, achieving the perfect ATAR of 99.95. Placing in the top 0.05% of the state, the tutors of Process Education are a rarity.
We believe in empowering students with the study skills and learning resources they need to achieve academic success. We endeavour to provide an unparalleled academic experience for those learning at home or in person.
Our dedicated team endeavours to provide tutoring services and lectures, which will facilitate the academic growth of students ranging in level of experience and subjects.
The Team
Supportive, Enthusiastic and Professional

Luke Tarola
Tutor - Methods, Specialist and Chemistry
Receiving an ATAR of 99.95, with perfect study scores of 50 in Math Methods, Chemistry and English, along with a 47 in Biology and Specialist Maths, and a 44 in Economics, Luke is a well rounded student who is here to help you through every part of your VCE journey.
Tutoring for over six years, Luke is an experienced educator who prioritises the wellbeing and success of his students. Luke is in his second year of medical school at the University of Melbourne.
Divine Emezie
Tutor - English and Chemistry
A recipient of a 99.95 ATAR, Divine Emezie is not only an accomplished student, with four perfect 50 study scores in English, Methods, Chemistry and Biology, along with a 47 in Specialist Maths, but also an amazing communicator who was a School Co-Captain in 2020.
Divine hopes he can share his extensive knowledge of not only his VCE subjects, but also the tips required to having a balance in your high school years. Divine is studying a Bachelor of Biomedical Science and a Doctor of Medicine at Monash University.

The 2025 VCE year is about to begin!
We are here to provide you with advice and support through all of your studies.
99.95 ATAR Tutoring
Experienced, Supportive and Dedicated Tutors for VCE Students

Online Small Group Tutoring
VCE Units 3 & 4: Chemistry, English, Math Methods & Specialist Maths
VCE Units 1 & 2: Math Methods
We believe in providing affordable resources to ensure equitable access to education. Hence, we utilise a small group tutoring model through the online platform, Zoom. Our classes provide:
A head-start on the content which is found in Units 3 & 4, with a particular focus on areas that we originally found difficult to comprehend.
Revision sessions prior to SACs and the final exam, revisiting difficult content and questions.
Techniques to responding to VCAA’s most difficult questions.
Exam and SAC questions which can propagate a lot of confusion and stress under timed conditions.
Advice on how to organise your time throughout the year, particularly focusing on when to commence practice exams and how to avoid feeling burnt out and stressed.
The provision of high-quality exam and SAC like questions which we found were comparable to VCAA questions.
24/7 opportunity to contact us and ask any questions, whether they be on a content specific issue or even advice on how to structure a scientific poster.
Offering affordable yet high quality tutoring from recipients of a 99.95 ATAR, Process Education is here to support you throughout your VCE studies, covering a wide range of subjects. To discuss our hourly rates, please submit the form below or press the "Let's Chat" icon, where we will promptly respond to you!
Luke and Divine invite you to experience a distinctive approach to tutoring. Dedicated and passionate, their enthusiasm for the subjects they teach enhances each student's learning experience, ensuring that every session is both engaging and efficient. This commitment to excellence differentiates us from other tutoring. Explore our subjects below by clicking on the images: